Learn why outsourced trading is an extension to a trader’s arsenal.


From foe to friend – Dispelling the Notion that Outsourced Trading is a Threat to the Dealing Desk

The term ‘outsourced trading’ can be viewed as taboo on some buy side trading desks. As execution has evolved, trading desks have increasingly sought to demonstrate how they add value and protect / generate alpha.

To better understand how outsourced trading can work in collaboration with a traditional dealing desk, acting as an extension to a trader’s arsenal, The Finance Hive and 11 buy side heads sat down with Tourmaline Partners to discuss how these two functions can support each other in modern markets. Learn more about The Finance Hive here.

“The key difference is in structure and capability. If you are seeking to generate and preserve alpha throughout the investment process Tourmaline’s unique position can deliver pathways to ensuring this. Not all outsource providers can offer this.”

— Andrew Walton
Head of European Business, Tourmaline Partners